Improper Inventory Management (API)


In API security, Improper Inventory Management refers to the lack of a comprehensive and up-to-date record of all APIs within an organization's environment. It can lead to several security risks, as forgotten or undocumented APIs are invisible to security measures.

Here's a breakdown of the critical aspects involved:

  • Inventory: An inventory represents a complete list of all assets, in this case, APIs, that an organization owns and manages.

  • Improper Management: This means the inventory must be completed accurately and regularly maintained.

There are several ways Improper Inventory Management manifests:

  • Undiscovered APIs: APIs developed without proper registration or documentation might not be included in the inventory, leaving them vulnerable and unmonitored.

  • Outdated Information: The inventory might list APIs that are no longer in use or haven't been updated with the latest security patches, creating potential vulnerabilities.

  • Lack of Ownership: Unclear ownership of APIs can lead to confusion about who is responsible for securing and maintaining them.

Consequences of Improper Inventory Management:

Improper Inventory Management can have severe consequences for API security, including:

  • Increased Attack Surface: Undiscovered APIs create a larger attack surface for malicious actors to exploit.

  • Exploiting Outdated APIs: Attackers can target older versions of APIs with known vulnerabilities that haven't been decommissioned.

  • Wasted Resources: Security efforts might be misdirected toward securing irrelevant APIs while truly critical ones remain unprotected.

  • Compliance Issues: Maintaining a proper API inventory can make complying with industry regulations or internal security policies easier.

Preventing Improper Inventory Management:

Here are some ways to prevent Improper Inventory Management and ensure a secure API environment:

  • Centralized API Registry: Implement a central repository to document all APIs, including ownership, functionality, and access controls.

  • API Lifecycle Management: Establish a process for API creation, deployment, versioning, and retirement to ensure the inventory remains accurate.

  • Regular Reviews and Audits: Conduct regular reviews of the API inventory to identify and address discrepancies.

  • Automation: Utilize automation tools to streamline API discovery and documentation processes.

  • Security Awareness: Foster a culture of security awareness within the organization, where developers understand the importance of proper API inventory management.

Following these practices can significantly reduce the risk associated with Improper Inventory Management and ensure all your APIs are appropriately documented, secured, and monitored.

Discovery: Shining a Light on Hidden APIs

  • Unearthing the Unknown: ThreatNG excels at discovering external APIs your programs interact with, including those that might be undocumented or forgotten. This comprehensive view helps create a more complete picture of your API landscape.

EASM and DRP: Building Knowledge

  • External Threat Monitoring: EASM continuously monitors the external landscape for newly discovered APIs. It helps identify potential shadow IT situations where APIs are developed and used without proper registration, increasing your attack surface.

  • Digital Risk Protection: DRP provides valuable insights about common API inventory management pitfalls and best practices for maintaining a comprehensive and accurate record of all APIs.

Collaboration is Key: ThreatNG and Complementary Tools

ThreatNG works seamlessly with other solutions to create a robust API security posture. Here's a positive handoff example:

  1. ThreatNG Discovers External APIs: ThreatNG discovers all APIs your programs interact with, including potential shadow IT situations.

  2. Handoff to API Inventory Management Tool: This information is fed into a dedicated API inventory management tool.

  3. Inventory Reconciliation and Risk Assessment: The API inventory management tool compares the discovered APIs with the existing internal registry. Any discrepancies are flagged for further investigation and potential risk assessment. Here, functionalities and access controls become crucial.

  4. Remediation and Continuous Monitoring: Unregistered APIs are documented and handled correctly. ThreatNG's EASM continues monitoring for new discoveries, ensuring the inventory stays up-to-date.

Beyond Discovery: A Holistic Approach

While ThreatNG focuses on the discovery, a comprehensive approach goes further:

  • DRP Insights: ThreatNG's DRP can provide insights into specific vulnerabilities associated with popular API frameworks or libraries in the discovered APIs. This knowledge empowers security teams to prioritize inventory management and potential security risks within newly discovered APIs.

  • Security Champions: ThreatNG can integrate with Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) tools. By highlighting potential shadow IT situations, ThreatNG can encourage developers to register new APIs from the beginning and foster a culture of responsible API development within the organization.

A strong security posture relies on collaboration. ThreatNG acts as the initial scout, discovering external APIs. It then works with API inventory management tools, security teams, and developers to create a comprehensive and secure API environment. By proactively identifying undiscovered APIs and working together, ThreatNG helps you minimize the risk associated with Improper Inventory Management and ensures all your APIs are eventually documented, secured, and monitored.


Identity Threat Hunting
